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Firewire from THE BLAZE October 23, 2014
  This is a sponsored message from our friends at Food4Patriots.  
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Did you hear the shocking news?

The 1st Ebola patient diagnosed in the USA died in Texas.

More Americans are getting sick. At least 5 airports across the country started screening passengers for Ebola. And the World Health Organization warns that there could be up to 10,000 new cases a week worldwide in two months.

There's even talk of Ebola being used as a biological weapon in a full-on terror attack. That'd be like unleashing a "bio-nuke". And thanks to Obama, our borders are pretty much wide-open.

With the scary headlines of Ebola dominating the airwaves, I've been hit left and right with folks asking me, "How can I prepare for Ebola?"

Well, it just so happens that Glenn Beck covered this topic on TV recently when his son asked that same question. I think Glenn's advice is spot on:

"Son, the best thing to do is have cash on hand. Lots of food in storage and be ready to go if needed. These things will unfortunately come. But they are going to come all over the world. No place will be different. There's no safe zone from what's going to happen.

Now, if that's happening, what does that mean for you?

That means: You better have food. You better have water. You better have some sort of alternative fuel: Electricity, logs, anything. You should have gold or silver or cash on hand because what happens if the banks -- in a pandemic, it could very easily close. Your malls, your stores will close."

OK, let's drill down to the basics of what Glenn said.

1st up is FOOD.

You need survival food that's shelf-stable for 25+ years, stores discreetly, and tastes good. For survival food, I recommend Food4Patriots.

2nd up is WATER.

You need access to pure, clean water to stay alive in any crisis. For water filtration, I recommend Water4Patriots.

3rd up is POWER.

You need a way to keep your crucial electronics running – your freezer, lights, medical equipment, cell phone, etc. For DIY power, I recommend Power4Patriots. For done-for-you power, I recommend the Patriot Power Generator 1500 but it's currently sold out.

Glenn wraps up his advice on preparing for Ebola with some wise words:

"This isn't just helpful information to prepare for Ebola, but anything so you aren't left to panic when something unexpected happens.

You do these things now so you're prepared and you're not panicking. When my son wrote to me, if we weren't prepared, I would have been panicking. It's in Dallas. I would have been panicking. I know I have a plan, and he knows we have a plan. Follow the plan, and it doesn't involve panic."

DON'T panic -- DO prepare.

To your survival,
Patriot Headquarters

P.S. I had lunch in Nashville with a doctor who is really worried about the potential spread of Ebola and other pandemic diseases here in the USA. I'm trying to get him in front of a camera to make some insider videos for you. In the meantime, my advice is to follow Glenn Beck's advice and stock up on food, water and off-grid power.

Preparing for Ebola? We recommend you stockpile
survival food, water filters and off-grid power.

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