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'You're not a journalist, you're a punk!' — former Trump aide confronts reporter at White House social media summit
Image Source: YouTube screenshot

'You're not a journalist, you're a punk!' — former Trump aide confronts reporter at White House social media summit

He accused the reporter of threatening him in the Rose Garden of the White House

Former White House aide Sebastian Gorka angrily confronted a reporter after the social media summit with President Donald Trump, and it was caught on video.

Gorka, who is known for his belligerent and vehement defense of the president and his policies, is seen stomping up to Brian Karem, the White House correspondent for Playboy Magazine.

He screamed in Karem's face, "you're a punk! You're not a journalist, you're a punk!"

Karem stood his ground and Gorka stomped away, while in the background other members of the event began chanting, "Gorka! Gorka! Gorka!"

New York Times White House correspondent Katie Rogers posted videos of the altercation on her social media account.

Gorka resigned from his position as White House national security aide in August 2017, after which there were reports that he had been "pushed out" of the office rather than quitting.

In another video posted by Reuters, Gorka appeared to accuse Karem of "threatening" him before he got into his face.

Karem took to his Twitter account after the confrontation and simply tweeted, "Just another day at the WH!" and "Well it is never a dull moment here."

Gorka also took to his Twitter account and reiterated his claim that Karem was a "punk" and claimed that he had challenged him to a fight.

"These people are not journalists," Gorka said.

"They're punks and political saboteurs," he added.

Here's another video of the altercation:

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Carlos Garcia

Carlos Garcia

Staff Writer

Carlos Garcia is a staff writer for Blaze News.